Monday, February 1, 2010

Homemade Mac and Cheese

                I am very proud of this one. True to form, no recipe was used in the making of this dish.  I was craving mac and cheese and wanted a side for the leftover turkey from last night, so I stopped on my way home from work to pick up the ingredients I needed. I boiled elbow macaroni to al dente and put aside. In a pot, I brought a half pint of heavy cream and about 2 cups of 2% milk to a simmer. I added a roux (just flour and softened butter) until it the milk thickened (approx 2 tablespoons). I then added approx 10 ozs. shredded white cheddar and approx 16 ozs. shredded orange cheddar until melted and creamy. I added salt and cracked black pepper and about a tablespoon of dijon mustard and stirred. I then added the macaroni.  I poured the cheesy mixture into a buttered 9x12 pan and topped with shredded parmesan, bread crumbs and more cheddar cheese. I baked it at 375 for about 45 minutes. I let it sit for approx 10 minutes to set before serving and........... IT WAS SOOOO GOOD.

1 comment:

  1. this looks tastier than the yummy mac and cheese from high school! You go HIll! --Heidi
